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It Isn’t So

A rusted blade

Eager to ruin my time

Saws along the edge

Of my anxious fragility

I will my inner strength

To somehow toe the line

If not I won’t be fine

Then I dig apart my soul

For all the days I was the fool

That I had been

For the breath I couldn’t find

Hidden in a mind

That lost its faith

In things it couldn’t see

Things deep inside of me

That had been planted long ago

Places I forgot to go

In all of my despair

A still small voice lies there

Crying out it isn’t so

He is a liar

©Kay Salady




fragile flower within the field

immaculate, although she yields

against the bitter wind

steadfast to her bit of soil

each petal folds as she recoils

into the dark of night

she opens them again at dawn

to softly cling and feast upon

each precious drop of dew

there rainbows glisten in the sun

as she awaits the day to come

when snow blankets the earth

yet her seedlings will ascend

inside the breath of autumn’s wind

then she will have rebirth

yes, she will have rebirth


©Kay Salady




Deep within my core
There lies a gaping wound
Hidden in the darkness
Each layer of the sin
Like an onion skin
Exposes such fragility
I picked and peeled away
Revealing pain today
Much too much to bear
Depleted, fell to rest
As the center of my chest
I dreamt of battered walls
Running ashen down the halls
With those who tore my flesh
Those who should love me best
Then awoke crippled with fear
For death was very near
And I could smell him
Yes, I could smell him
Racked with so much pain
I trembled yet again
As I had done before
Feeling small and insecure
Oh, what a pity
What have you done to me
And why can I not see
The reasons why

©Kay Salady


Image Credit:  Benjamin Pender

Glasswing Butterfly, Benjamin Pender


Lucid, small, and still

Transparent wings alight

Upon a fern green frond

To catch the morning light

Against the brightest hues

Within fragility

Pausing for the breath

It took away from me


©Kay Salady


Hands behind my back

Forced into fragility

Taken by your need

I never should have followed

The trail of crumbs you scattered

 ©Kay Salady