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Nonet in November an Ode to Mount Rainier

Glorious in her garment of white

clouds nestled softly about her

so high above the tree line

a sun kissed woman stands

against winds of change

and I inhale

a full breath



©️Kay Salady

Image credit: Kelley Cyr




fragile flower within the field

immaculate, although she yields

against the bitter wind

steadfast to her bit of soil

each petal folds as she recoils

into the dark of night

she opens them again at dawn

to softly cling and feast upon

each precious drop of dew

there rainbows glisten in the sun

as she awaits the day to come

when snow blankets the earth

yet her seedlings will ascend

inside the breath of autumn’s wind

then she will have rebirth

yes, she will have rebirth


©Kay Salady




From the center of a crowd

Shadowed by a cloud of isolation

While on the inside looking out

I can feel a silent shout

Of desperation

Wishing to begin again

And wanting so much to fit in

A world that has me by the tail

I fear for all my days

This chase within a maze

Will never cease

And as the feathers fly

Into that discontented sky

I search to find the source

Of my release

Just when I think all hope is gone

I find the strength to lean upon

Must come from wisdom’s bitter well

As I kneel, I find perfection

Inside my own reflection

This truth is difficult to tell


©Kay Salady

My entry for Bluebell Books Twitter Club Week 49

The Courage to Hope

The Courage to Stand

I’ll stop drowning in my past
And swimming in tomorrow
Waiting for a sky that always falls
Yet if I live for just today
Today would be okay
If it were happy
But if it’s filled with pain
The thought would be insane
Because I’d wallow in the mire
Never holding the desire to dream
I must get up off my ass
Be grateful for what I have
And courageous enough to hope
For brighter days
I’ll make a plan to stand
With everything I am
Despite my imperfections
Recalling how I stood
When things were not so good
And how I rose above it all
No matter how very small
I seemed to feel
For when I knelt to pray
I made it through that day
With resolve again tomorrow
To put away my sorrow
And look up to the sun
Still shining on the one
Who failed to see
The roses still in bloom
With their sweet perfume
And the birds up in the sky
That did not forget to fly
And I with strength to stand
Upon my feet

©Kay Salady

One Small Instant

One Small Instant

The morning’s rays engulf me as I think of you and your soft eyes

And, oh, how I long for your hand to touch me in one small instant

Enough to let me know that you exist beyond space and time

For I have built my existence upon the hope that you are there

Engulfing my atmosphere with some semblance of your strength

Each day, clutching onto that fine silver cord attaching me to you

Accompanied by these burning tears that stream each time I tug

No, my darling, I cannot sever the source of so much anguish

For I could bleed a river that would rush my soul to you

Floating in this hollow where the echoes pierce my mind

I come to rest upon your shore with hope that never dies


©Kay Salady

Recite the Moments


Recite the moments

Immerse me in hues

Paint me a memory

Of the day when I knew

The feel of your hand

Your breath on my skin

And the strength of your arms

Holding me close and then

Sing me a song

Simple and clear

Just one time with feeling

Won’t you my dear

For old time’s sake

That bittersweet tune

You sang long ago

When our love was new

Turn on the sparkle

That lit up your eyes

When you looked at me

And made my heart fly


©Kay Salady

Gentle is the Voice


How do I define

The craving of my heart

That beats in urgency

For your embrace


Soothing is the voice

That whispers tender words

And soft the loving hands

Upon my brow


Mother do you know

My strength is in your song

Your smile remains eternal

In my mind


©Kay Salady

I Didn’t Mean It


Why can’t you at least be friends with me

Can’t you see I’m not your enemy

Why can’t we just get along

I know I’ve done things wrong

And now you’ve run away

Why can’t I at least be in your life

I’m not asking much just take the time

To send a gesture that you know

You’ve heard my soft hello

Before you turn and go

I understand it’s hard to look my way

It’s difficult to find the words to say

But I need you here today

While I have strength to say

I wish that you would stay

I know I’ve done things wrong

That broke your heart

I know the things I’ve said

Tore you apart

But that was very long ago

And I want you to know

I didn’t mean it


I didn’t mean it


 ©Kay Salady

The Road to Love

The road to love is paved with teardrops, hesitation and broken dreams

It’s the way that’s long and aching and it’s never as easy as it seems

Each new day brings times of struggle for our hearts to overcome

Toward the door of bright tomorrow, we often stumble as we dare to run

On the scale of our salvation, we try to balance as we rise and fall

Clasping hands with one another, we stand together against it all

As changing winds rage to beat us down, we fare the days one by one

Dance in the rains that wash away the sorrow, gaze in awe at setting sun

Walk the path as we ponder our destination on edge of rushing wave

Embrace beneath the heavens receiving the strength that our God gave

©Kay Salady

Photo by: Road to Love by hop3_hell